REDstack produces the world’s best ElectroMembrane stacks, with the highest energy and chemistry efficiency.
Our new website will be released at the Aquatech exhibition at 10 March 2025.
Dear Sir/Madam,
(Voor Nederlands, scroll hieronder)
We are excited to share a significant milestone for REDstack. The company has successfully completed an investment round led by Pure Terra Ventures, with additional backing from NOM and Easter Technology. This investment marks a major step toward large-scale automated production and further commercialization of REDstack’s game-changing ElectroMembrane Stack technology.
Please find the full press release attached foryour reference.
Key Highlights:
- REDstack secures investment to build an automated production line in Heerenveen, accelerating the commercialization of its cutting-edge ElectroMembrane Stack technology.
- Support from leading investors, including Pure Terra Ventures, NOM, and Easter Technology.
- Focus on advancing resource recovery, brackish water desalination, and carbon capture through cutting-edge ElectroMembrane technology.
We appreciate your interest and look forward to your coverage of this exciting development!
Dr. Paula González
CEO REDstack
Geachte heer/mevrouw,
We zijn verheugd een belangrijke mijlpaal voor REDstack te delen. Het bedrijf heeft met succes een investeringsronde afgerond, geleid door Pure Terra Ventures, met aanvullende steun van NOM en Easter Technology. Deze investering markeert een belangrijke stap richting grootschalige geautomatiseerde productie en verdere commercialisatie van de baanbrekende ElectroMembrane Stack-technologie van REDstack.
Het volledige persbericht vindt u in de bijlage voor uw referentie.
Belangrijkste Highlights:
- REDstack heeft een investering veiliggesteld voor de opbouw van een geautomatiseerde productielijn in Heerenveen, wat de commercialisatie van de geavanceerde ElectroMembrane Stack-technologie versnelt.
- Ondersteuning van vooraanstaande investeerders, waaronder Pure Terra Ventures, NOM en Easter Technology.
- Focus op het bevorderen van resource recovery, desalinisatie van brak water en koolstofdioxidevastlegging via de nieuwste ElectroMembrane-technologie.
Wij stellen uw interesse zeer op prijs en kijken uit naar uw berichtgeving over deze spannende ontwikkeling!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Dr. Paula González
CEO REDstack
About REDstack
REDstack produces the world’s best ElectroMembrane stacks, with the highest energy and chemistry efficiency. Our stacks are liquid-tight and fully closed modules, without carry-over of liquids between compartments.
ElectroMembrane Stacks are a revolutionary route to solve major environmental issues and are an imperative link to a full circular and carbon-neutral economy.
REDstack stacks can be used for removing salt by electrodialysis, but with implementation of Bipolar Membranes, the stacks can be used for removal of NH4+ from acidic scrubbers end CO2 removal from alkaline solutions in Direct Air/Ocean Capture.
ElectroMembrane stacks are now available for various applications; the electrochemistry offers solutions that are often overlooked.
REDstack has developed a unique patented stack technology, with perfect flow distribution in the stack and no carry-over of liquids between compartments.
REDstack is independent and flexible in use of various types of membranes in the stacks. We use Anionic Exchange membranes (AEM), Cationic Exchange membranes (CEM), Bipolar Membranes and spacers from a great variance of suppliers.
If you require ElectroMembrane stacks for your integrated electrochemical process solution, please contact us.

Our electro-membrane stacks have:
- Lowest energy consumption (50% lower)
- Highest water recovery (up to 95%)
- Constant salinity in outlet