Invitation EU Green Week Partner Event 3rd of June 2022

Please be all be invited to this year’s edition of the INES Green Week event on “Advancing Osmotic Energy and RED: Optimising the Water-Energy Nexus with Salinity Gradient Power Technology and Brine Valorisation“. Click here for the agenda of the event – you can look forward to speakers and presentations from all over the world. Pieter Hack, Chairman of the board REDstack, gives a presentation at 15:25 about RED Technology: Power Generation where Rivers and Sea meet.

Meet also Dr. Ruud Kempener, Deputy Head of Unit Renewables and CCS Policy, Directorate-General Energy of the European Commission! At this event, we hope to inform you furthermore about some new relevant European policy changes with respect to salinity gradient power.

Date: 3rd of June 2022
Time: 14:30 – 16:30 CET
Location: Zoom
Registration Link:

Make sure to register today and follow us on LinkedIn ( to stay tuned about any updates! Please do not hesitate to share the event in your respective networks. In the meantime, please also visit our website:

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 3rd of June!

Agenda (PDF)