REDstack produces the most efficient ElectroMembrane stacks in the world, that can be applied for recovery of water, energy, nitrogen, glycol, amines, CO2, Lithium, etc.
Originally the stacks where developed to be used for green osmotic energy production by Reverse Electro Dialyses (RED); A demonstration energy-plant is realised in The Netherlands at Afsluitdijk.
The very efficient stack design that was developed for RED technology is very useful for other applications. When these stacks are powered they can be used for separation of ions in liquids or acid / caustic production in Bipolar Membranes. This results in the following product range:
Ideal cross-over stack for green osmotic energy production mixing salt water and fresh-water.
Basic engineering package
REDstack is flexible in application of membranes, please contact us for your specific requirements.